Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You cannot deny Yourself

whether or not i've done all the things i'm supposed to do and whether or not i've done all the things i'm not supposed to do,

You are faithful.

i abandon myself then to Your faithfulness.
i accept Your ridiculous grace, Your ludicrous love, Your merciful insanity.

You make absolutely no sense to me at all,
but i know i need You.
just as i always have.
just as i always will.

Monday, July 21, 2008

wordlessly thankful

You never cease to amaze me.

where am i ever going to find enough words in any language ever spoken aloud on this planet to thank You for all You're doing for me?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lord of the dance

when the Lord waits on us, He's dancing all the while.

He waits on us in our selfishness, in our stubbornness, in our fear, and in our indifference with a dance.

He waits on us with joy, with anticipation.

if the Lord celebrates the waiting with a song and a dance, why can't we?

forgive us, Lord, for our hypocrisy. we gripe at You every time we have to wait for an answer, never thinking for a second about the times we've put You off with our various self-addictions.

teach us to be like You.
teach us to dance.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008


human beings seem to have this uncanny knack for never taking things seriously enough. if we ever do find it in ourselves to take anything seriously, we usually become preoccupied with things that, in the end, will mean nothing to us, to our immediate loved ones, or to humanity in general.

if i am to walk this earth, i will walk it to change it by just being here. if i am to breathe this air, i will exhale excellence and truth. if i am to eat and drink, i will share my meals with the unwanted and toast my drinks with those less fortunate than myself.

i want my life to mean something. and not just anything.

just anything is not good enough for me.

i want it to mean something very specific. when people hear my name or my story, i want it to leave a legacy of my complete and total worthlessness without You. and of my ability to leave a signature on humanity and on history because i allowed You to carve Your signature into me.

mark Your mercy on my unfaithfulness.
whittle Your wisdom out of my foolishness.
sign Your very Self as an approval of my life, despite my weaknesses.

i will not leave this planet without first showing You off in the way only You deserve.