i am bound to time.
i feel it dragging me along with every breath, blink, heartbeat. this creates a certain irritation in my spirit, for my spirit is not bound to time. it is eternal as the God who created it in His very image. it is, however, for now contained within this hollow shell that is a slave to time, ticking away and trudging along.
i realize that i would not irritate me so if my spirit - YOUR Spirit in me - were truly the master of my life. so much of my focus is still fixed on the physical, and therefore, time frustrates and grates on me. it is shamelessly reminding me of its short supply.
You are not bound by time.
my spirit lives luxuriously as You do, created on purpose in Your gloriously unbound image. You live in me, as well, choosing to also be bound within this fragmented and fragile encasing of flesh. we are two persons unbound by time, dwelling in a too-small frame addicted to the very thought of time, bowing and bending under its weight.
help me to see as You see and as my spirit sees. i want to hear Your voice and the voice of Your Spirit more clearly than the obnoxious ticking hands of time.
to live unbound. to live freely.