Monday, May 26, 2008

the play of hope demands a cast of fools

allowing yourself to hope also means allowing yourself to look foolish.

if you never hope, you have no need to fear. nothing changes. you're never caught off guard. no one can say, "i told ya so," whether or not they actually ever said that (don't you hate it when people do that?).

without hope, you are safe because life remains familiar. the terrain is never foreign. you can walk your day out, your life out, with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back.

but if you somehow find a way to open up your life to this thing called hope, that changes everything.

you have to be willing to anticipate something that may indeed never happen and take full responsibility for it. you have to be willing to hear the words, "i told ya so" dropping from the mouths of those you love most into ears which know very well they NEVER SAID THAT.

you have to be unsure and you have to be afraid.
you have to be willing to play the fool.

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