Sunday, June 8, 2008

mysteriously ok with it

i used to hate mystery.

now, just to be better understood, i'm totally into mystery books and movies and the like - the stuff that keeps you guessing 'til the very end. but that's just it. i like them 'cause they have an end. i read them or watch them with the full knowledge it will eventually be over, hopefully satisfying my oh-so-curious mind (curse you, m. night shyamalan).

but true to life mystery - ya know, like the kind you experience in your actual life - yeah. hated it.

ironically, i'm finding as i get older (i can actually use phraseology like "as i get older" now without sounding totally ridiculous like when i said it as a 12-year-old), i'm enjoying mystery.

i thought it would it be quite the opposite. i always heard that people only become more and more stuck in their ways as they get older. older people are more likely to freak out when something changes suddenly or because they can't control situations in their lives.

perhaps i was born old. perhaps i'm getting younger as the years go by. perhaps my dysfunctional, overly anal childhood is getting revenge on my adulthood by immaturizing me. (yup. made that word up. nope. you cannot borrow it.)

whatever the case may be, i am most definitely no longer a hater of mystery.

perhaps i'll even love it one day.


  1. Don't know if anyone else is following this, but I am sure enjoying it. : )

  2. thanks, ma.

    if it's just you reading, then it's worth it. you've always been my biggest fan. :)
