Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Incredible breakthrough comes at a high cost.  The cost required is pain - pain to your pride, your selfishness, your neediness, and the list goes on (at least for me, it does).  In order to gain life in one area, there must be death in another.

I find that I'm am incredibly slow in my payments of pain to breakthrough.  And perhaps that is indeed the only way that breakthrough accepts payments.  I'm not sure if there is a way to pay in full up front.  If there is, I have yet to discover where to check that box on the form.

It is difficult but mandatory to look at yourself face to face and realize that you are a mess, no matter how pretty you make yourself look.  We have all sorts of methods of dressing ourselves up, but in the end, we are naked, poor, blind, needy, and the like.

I am naked, poor, blind, needy, and the like.

And it is beautiful indeed.  Oh, how beautiful it is when someone knows exactly what they are and can still look themselves in the eye!

I am a magnificent mess, always and forever. It'll never change, and that's OK.

As long as all of my weaknesses and shortcomings are clothed in a robe so righteous no one can refute it, then I'm A-OK. I'm golden. I'm set. I'm good.

Good. I'm good.


Whether I run to You or I run to myself, the payment is pain.  But when I run to myself, I am paying someone who is totally and completely lacking in resources. I have nothing to offer me.

You are my one and only true resource. And You never run out.

I am bottomless. You are infinite.

Once again, we're a perfect pair.

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