Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts From the Potter's Wheel

If You are a Potter by trade, and I am clay by nature, how then can I bark orders or make demands?  How then can I tell You what's best for me unless I have first asked You Your opinion?

You are a Creator without limitations, an Artisan whose skill and ability are matchless, a Benefactor whose generosity is devastating in its extravagance.

With descriptions such as these barely scraping the surface of who You truly are, even "clay" seems too great a description for one such as myself.

But You have called me
one worthy of Your jealousy and intensely passionate affections.

If You can gladly call me these things without hesitation or chagrin, then I will also rise up and call myself the very same.

Artisan of my life, I will not insult Your great ability or Your fathomless wisdom by rejecting the truth that You do indeed know my nature better than I do.

I am who You say I am.

I am taking on the shape and the form that You intend as Your hands knowingly mold me.

Because I am Yours.

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